Journal of the Society for Asian Humanities (JOSAH)


The Journal of the Society for Asian Humanities (JOSAH) is the  flagship publication of the Australian Society for Asian Humanities and has been issued continuously since 1960. It is the oldest journal on Asia currently published in Australia.

 E-texts are available through INFORMIT while printed copies can be obtained by email to Until vol. 51 (2019), its title was JOSA: Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia.

Current Issue

JOSAH Vol. 55
Editor’s Introduction by Adrian Vickers

It is with great pleasure that we present Volume 55 of the Journal of the Society for Asian Humanities. We are grateful to Enza De Francisci and Lyu Shisheng for their role as guest editors of this special issue. Their approach to the topic of theatre translation has led to a truly transnational collection of articles. In presenting case studies of adaptation and collaboration through translation, these articles challenge paradigms of cross-cultural theatre and of the nature of translation itself. In addition to another stimulating set of reviews, this issue also features a special review article on gay culture in Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China.

Promoting Asian Studies in Australia since 1956

The Australian Society for Asian Humanities promotes the knowledge of Asia in Australia and provide a venue for scholars working in Asian humanities to present their work to their peers and others interested in Asia. We regularly run lectures, discussions and exhibitions to encourage the study of Asian history and culture.