JOSAH Vol. 52: “What’s in A Name? After Orientalism“.
Guest-edited by Olivier Krischer and Meaghan Morris
Marking the sixtieth anniversary of Australia’s oldest journal in Asian Studies, this special issue was inspired by a 2018 symposium on the legacy of Edward Said’s Orientalism (1978), as well as by the centenary of Asian Studies at the University of Sydney.
This historical orientation encouraged us not only to consider the influence of Said’s work over a forty year period but more widely to reflect on the worldly processes that have created and changed “Asian Studies” over the decades, renaming areas, redistributing resources and reshaping disciplinary clusters.
Much debate about Orientalism in English has been academically West-centric, invoking a smooth space of “post-colonialism” or confined to specialist silos. For this issue, we invited essays that engage with naming in relation to specific histories and locations of scholarship, ranging from the University of Sydney in the Australian context (Adrian Vickers) to Islamic Central Asia and the Russian-Soviet Orient (Adeeb Khalid), to the “contemporary Asia” constructed in art exhibitions (C.J. Wee Wan-ling), and to Maritime Southeast Asia (Imran bin Tajudeen).
This broadening of geographic frames of reference is extended by a “Roundtable” of eleven short, personal reflections by scholars working from a range of diverse disciplines, worldly situations, and individual practices as they look back to and beyond Said’s Orientalism.
To purchase a copy of JOSAH Vol. 52, please email josaheditor@sydney.edu.au