JOSAH Vol. 54



JOSAH Vol. 54 

It is my pleasure once again to introduce the latest issue of the Journal of the Society for Asian Humanities. At a time when Humanities research is under threat from university administrations and culture warriors, it is significant to be able to present established and emerging scholars in Asia and Australia who represent outstanding scholarship in the field. The strength of the field is epitomised by the continual revitalisation of our editorial board and executive, and it is heartening to have the support of the global research community.Volume 54 features articles contributing new understandings of Chinese theatre history, a performance-based approach to intercultural music, analysis of late Ming homoerotic literature, queer literature from Taiwan, missionary importation of Chinese children to the Philippines in the nineteenth century, Song dynasty dream literature and Japanese television drama. The latter two articles are once again the result of our Emerging Scholars competition. As well as these regular articles, we have an expanded number of features. The A.R. Davis Memorial Lecture by Vera Mackie takes the form of a photo essay on Asia in the centre of Sydney. A special report by Bob Hudson describes magical elements in the archaeology of Mrauk-U, Arakan, Myanmar. And Cătălina Bălan and Josh Stenberg present translations of Chinese texts from the colonial period of the Netherlands East Indies. Sadly, we also include an obituary to Soumyendra Nath Mukherjee, who was an important figure for the journal, for the Australian Society for Asian Humanities and for the teaching of Asian Studies at the University of Sydney in the latter part of the twentieth century.

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Editor’s introduction  
Editor’s introduction Adrian Vickers 1-2
The 2020 A.R. Davis memorial lecture Devleena Ghosh 3-21
Emerging scholars  
‘Found’ in translation: A relational approach to Deborah Smith’s translation of Han Kang’s ‘the vegetarian’ Soo Choi 22-44
Contents tourists and content production: The negotiation of site narratives by ‘Token Ranbu’ fans in Japanese domestic tourism Estelle Rust 45-70
Ideal Chinese masculinity prior to ‘Wen-wu’: Some thoughts on the ‘Caizi’ Jia Baoyu Kam Louie 71-93
The idea of Qinghai: A century of territorialisation and competing identities Susette BT Cooke; David SG Goodman 94-131
Appointing the ‘Peichen’ from the Southern Tang: With an emphasis on background and significance Ng Pak-sheung 132-165
Human nature versus human agency: A different perspective on Kang Youwei’s philosophy of history Sean Moores 166-197
‘The primary sources of “the magic of art”‘: Eisenstein and East Asia Helen Grace 198-230
Reading and acting in early modern Kabuki: Browsing the library of Ichikawa Danjuro II Tove Bjork 231-263
An argument for ‘Rakugo’ as literature M W Shores 264-284
Special feature  
The Kwee collection at the fisher library, university of Sydney: An annotated list of Chinese-Malay publications Tom Hoogervorst 285-356
Review article  
Pure invention or pure fantasy?: A critical review of a popular history of transnational Japanese media fandom Thomas Baudinette 357-374
Book reviews  
Queer Taiwanese literature: A reader Sophia Huei-Ling Chen 375-377
Wayward distractions: Ornament, emotion, zombies and the study of Buddhism in Thailand John Clark 377-384
The great exodus from China: Trauma, memory, and identity in modern Taiwan Mei-Fen Kuo 384-387
The Asian modern Zoran Poposki 387-389
Musicophilia in Mumbai: Performing subjects and the metropolitan unconscious Jim Sykes 389-392
Chineseness and the cold war: Contested cultures and diaspora in Southeast Asia and Hong Kong Austin Tseng 392-395
Sun Yatsen, Robert Wilcox and their failed revolutions, Honolulu and canton 1895: Dynamite on the tropic of cancer John Wong 395-398
Literary representations of ‘mainlanders’ in Taiwan: Becoming Sinophone Chia-rong Wu 398-401
Asah seminars  
ASAH seminars, April 2021- September 2022 402-404